Documenting Living Histories

Revisiting Brixton Rec is a community heritage project to create an archive of oral histories, photographs and other digital objects about the often neglected histories of the Brixton Recreation Centre. We want to capture your experiences of the energy, tournaments, conferences, exhibitions and parties at The Rec that made the  building so special. The project aims to ensure these histories are remembered. But we need your help!

Do you have memories of Brixton Rec? If you have a story to tell and/or items to share, join us at our collection event on Saturday 3rd August 2024 at 11am - 4pm. We are looking for stories from the opening of the Rec in 1985 to the present day.  

We aslo want to know your community icons, these are the names of the individuals that made your expeerience at the Rec memorable. 

You can also call us on 07956 878 433 to get involved

The Collection Event 
Saturday 3rd August 2024 at the Brixtion Rec

27 Brixton Station Road, Brixton, London, SW9 8QQ

  • Recording your stories

  • Exploring the Rec

  • Emmersive experiences 

  • Connectivity 

If you have a connection to or memories of The Rec and would like to take part we’d love to hear from you.. 

REVISITING BRIXTON REC is a community heritage project designed and managed by Team GJC in partnership with MUF Architects on behalf of Lambeth Regeneration as  part of the Revitalising Brixton’s Rec Quarter Project which is funded by the GLA’s Good Growth Fund and Lambeth Council.

REVISITING BRIXTON REC QUARTER PROJECT, the project  invested in Brixton Station Road and Brixton Rec to create meaningful improvements for the area’s existing communities of residents and traders, as well as visitors.

The proposals was developed in collaboration with muf architecture/art and local groups such as Brixton Market Traders’ Federation, Brixton BID, Brixton Rec User Group, the traders of the street, Photofusion and Max Roach Adventure Playground.